When quality is your brand signature, style follows.

Brand QualityShopping at discount stores like Marshalls, T.J.Maxx or Ross gives you access to a multitude of brands in one place. Secondhand stores also have their charm. You scan the selections of fabric, color, design, craftsmanship, texture and feel to find yourself.

Each of us has a particular style that we gravitate toward and purchase that which reflects our best self.

Places that offer such a wide assortment of items can be confusing, but they also call on us to use our style intuition. Impulse buying is fairly common in these large discount stores. You go in to get one or perhaps two items and end up coming out with more than you ever intended. For me, the extras are usually cookware or plates and bowls, a great new cutting board, or a fun, new set of sheets.

What all of these have in common is style. I don’t know what brands are going to grab my attention. I could care less. I know a good thing when I see it. I know it’s my style. It’s always surprising when I go for something and it’s a brand that I know well, have bought often, and instinctively know it’s for me. The style and quality sell me before I see the label.

Since I am in the brand business, and have a fine sense of what brand essence is all about, you’d think I was a brand devotee. I am not. What I am is a style devotee.

Packaging may impact my buying decision but quality is the hallmark of style. Quality is my brand.

Quality is more than an aspiration, it’s an action of love. Quality is what makes a brand stand out. Quality is style defined. A mark of simplicity, durability, elegance and sophistication. When I create a brand, quality is first on my list. The work I provide, and how I relate to my clients, demands quality within every phase of the project. I deliver.

Second is how will this brand make my client and their customer feel? The answer should be outstanding, empowered, enthused and satisfied.

When style is your brand, and quality is your standard, it is not all that important how you design around it. No doubt, it should be an interesting and delightful image that adds impact, a name that is aligned with the attributes of excellence, and a brand message that speaks the truth, but without style and quality built in to your product, nothing will make up for shoddy craftsmanship.

Creating radiant brand essence is paramount. That’s why I am selective about who I work with. I expect that the people I work with have the same standards of excellence that I do. I shop for clients they same way I shop for anything. I’m looking for the best. A big brand does not always mean quality has been built in. Now, more than ever, it’s the little guy who has a big idea with a great work ethic. They have a sense of what makes something great, partner with others who have the same ethos, and deliver products and services that make a difference in our world.

I am on their side, and quality and style are my brand of choice.

Namelink provides a full spectrum of brand services, articulately designed to meet and exceed a style guide that exudes quality, inside and out.

The Style of Quality